1. OmniBlender.COM LLC does not just sell blenders. We hope to build relationships with our customers, whether you buy a blender or not!

  2. We provide the best value high performance super blender and blending power machine emulsifier in the raw smoothie lifestyle-health whole-food industry. The Omni 3 hp smoothie pulverizing blender is the best tool to help you achieve a healthier lifestyle! The consumers will use the Omni Vegan Smoothie Blender the best way they can.

  3. We are the best in business objectives so the leaders, its employees and affiliates never have to look for another job elsewhere. Being successful in our business will allow us to help those who are in need financially and would otherwise not be able to purchase a high performance blending machine for what most competing blending machines cost nowadays ($ 450 or $600 dollars).

What does all of that mean?

"Same Thing...' Less Money"!

It means that we are motivated to help our customers in their best interest. We dislike up-selling our customers additional accessories, or books. It is not that we don't sell additional accessories and supporting materials, but we don't want to push it onto our customers, especially when it is not needed. We would rather even talk you out of a blender if we find that you didn't need one and can't afford it anyway. There is just no glory when making a profit at someone's expense when you know they should not...

It also means that it is time to stop bull-shitting customers with gimmick items and applications that don't work anyway. For example, if you think you might need a sound enclosure, call us first so we can try to talk you out of it. If you have an interest in a high performance blender / blending machine because you want to make a lot of bread dough and/or grind lots of wheat into flour, please think about it twice.

Knitting up dough in a blender is not practical at all. It sticks up the blades and makes it difficult to clean. Maybe you will save some time in the blender-knitting, but you will make up the time easy when you have to clean it. And blending flour... yes these high performance blender, and especially the OMNI, can do it. For an occasional flour grinding we think a blender works great, but if you have a weekly task at hand, get a wheat grinder.

So, please, think again before you buy a high performance blender: Do you really need it or do you rather want it? What are you going to do with it? How many times a day or a week or a month or a year are you going to use it? What is your budget, where are you going to put the blender, and where are you going to store your extra ingredients that you need to blend?  How much freezer space do you have? Do you have blending experience, do you need a recipe book, have you ever used even a cheap blender? Do you know the difference between blending and juicing? What if your teeth are still working? What does a 3 hp blender do for you?

Do you want to make hot soup with your blending power machine? It can be done. But it is still better to boil your water hot on your kitchen stove in your cooking pot and then mix your ingredients together. First of all, Underwriters Laboratory does not even approve of the blending-hot-soup on your high performance blending machine. Second, it is a stupid idea to blend your ingredients for 5 to 6 minutes in your high performance blending machine until your raw food vegetable smoothie is so hot that you will mistake it for hot soup.

There are many more questions you should ask yourself before buying a smoothie blender. In part, our mission is to help you decide. That is where the relationship-building-part with you and us comes into play. Give us a chance to build a long-lasting relationship with you. It's not  just about selling you a power blender and then not hearing  from you ever again. We will talk you out of it, if that is what it takes to help you in your lifestyle change.

Thanks for visiting.

Angelica Fox
OmniBlender.COM LLC
