Wheat Grass Juice - The Power of Green Smoothie Ingredients

How should you go about your wheat-grass juice requirements? Some people grow their own flats and others go to the nearest organic store and pay from anywhere $ 8 to $ 20 per flat. A flat is about 10 inches wide and 20 inches long - see green stuff below. The challenges are the organic factor and de-mineralization of our soil, no matter where and when you buy your wheat grass and/or your soil and grains.

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You can use either Hard Red Wheat or Barley. Make sure it is not radiated. Also make sure that it can sprout. This is easy; You take a sample from the grain and put it into a clear plastic cup with punched little pin holes on the bottom. Then place that 8 oz cup into another alike cup without holes and pore water in it... More to it later...

The grain below is ready to plant on the flat soil prepared because it has been pre-sprouted.

I will show you how to grow your own wheat-grass and how to process it then after you have a healthy and mineral-enriched full flat of wheat grass about 5 inches tall.

Also you can either use the grass to blend into your smoothies or you can press it / juice it and drink it concentrated or mix it into any other juice or into your daily smoothies. Or you can harvest the entire flat all at once and freeze the wheat grass juice portioned in 1 fl oz or 2 fl oz plastic cups with lids on it.

There are hand wheat grass juicer with a lever available between $ 50 to $ 100 that you have to turn. Or there area electric motor driven wheat grass juicers for $ 250 to $1000 or higher available. I will show you a few options and will make some different recommendations.

Please come back often to see the progress of the content of this Wheat Grass Juice and Blending Green Smoothies Page.

Thank you.

Thomas Fox


We use a full tray or flat (10 inches by 20 inches) of pre-sprouted soaked in water of wheat. Below the wheat is organic soil which we enriched with sea-water-based minerals. Most soils nowadays are mineral depleted. The wheat we also soaked in a mineral solutions. There are about 100 different minerals in sea water. And below the soil we put usually (not always) a few layers of paper towel so we can keep the soil and the roots moist easier. And while we store the whole flat with sprouted and moistened wheat we cover it with paper towel that we spray with mineral enriched water. We then cover the whole tray/flat with a lid that does not let light through. This configuration is stored away for a couple of days, until we see the grass pushing up a few inches. Then we move the tray into the light. Of course the wheat grass has to be moistened with mineral enriched water daily.

To the above, you see the little sprouts on the red hard wheat. To pre-sprout the wheat, we make a bunch of holes in the bottom of a 8 oz plastic cup. We use a second cup without holes. Then we run some water over the wheat in the cup with holes (the holy cup). We rinse it a few times. Then when completely rinsed through and out, we place the holy cup into the complete cup and cover the wheat with a moist paper towel.


Above you see a flourishing wheat grass. There is obviously also some mold visible. The mold is a problem. We are trying to figure out how we can get rid of it. We have even seen in on purchased wheat grass flats.

Above you see how thick the roots get with the wheat grass. It is a shame that you have to throw the roots away after your first harvest. We actually put each flat out into our yard and compost it.

Ready for the Harvest!

Above left, Angelica is harvesting / cutting the wheat grass. Above right is the completely cut and juiced wheat grass. We use an Omega Wheat Grass Juicer. Usually a healthy flat of wheat grass yields about 12 to 16 fluid ounces of liquid wheat grass juice. We pore all the juice into 1 to 1.5 fl oz cups and put lids on each cup. We then freeze the juice. And as you can see in the picture below, nothing is wasted in our house. Angelica takes good care of her facial skin and hands. She is a real beauty. Look at her cute eyes.

Angelica Fox is the heart and brains behind the recipes and making the best smoothies, sauces, purees, great delicious raw soups, and many other meals.

If you want to stay in touch with us and frequently receive an update newsletter about our wheat grass growing progress, recipes, and blender advances and upgrades, please sign up here for free:

Please feel free to watch the video below AND OUR OTHER VIDEOS to see what you can do perhaps with wheat grass. We usually mix it frozen with other ingredients to make a smoothie of some kind. When we have unfrozen - fresh wheat grass juice, we drink it in 1 oz portions per day. We have even tried to blend wheat grass (the grass) into a smoothie. I am not a cow or horse. The wheat grass (grass) is not easily digested since I have only 1 little stomach. If you blend the grass into your smoothie, you might want to consider using very little. Cramps could be the consequence.


Wheat Grass (or Wheatgrass) Smoothie Drink

The wheat grass smoothie drink with goji zen or goji berry juice makes me feel better after having dined out at Tucano's. It is important to trying to support your liver functions for improved digestion and getting rid of toxins. Meat uses a lot of energy. Vegetables can improve your energy level, according to my own personal experience.
